TFM2: Training-Free Mask Matching for Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation; Y. Zhuo, Z. Bessinger, L. Wang, N. Khosravan, B. Li, and S.B. Kang (WACV 24)
Unsupervised federated optimization at the edge: D2D-enabled learning without labels; S. Wagle, S. Hosseinalipour, N. Khosravan, CG Brinton (IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking)
ZInD-Tell: Towards Translating Indoor Panoramas into Descriptions; T. Deb, L. Wang, Z. Bessinger, N. Khosravan, E. Penner, SB. Kang (CVPRW 2024)
Multi-Modal Federated Learning for Cancer Staging over Non-IID Datasets with Unbalanced Modalities; K. Borazjani, N. Khosravan, L. Ying, S. Hosseinalipour. arXiv preprint.
iBARLE: imBalance‑Aware Room Layout Estimation; T. Jing, L. Wang, N. Khosravan, Z. Wan, Z. Bessinger, Z. Ding, S. Kang. Proceedings of
the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision. (WACV 2024)
Automated Generation And Use Of Building Information From Analysis Of Floor Plans And Acquired Building Images; EM. Penner, N. Khosravan, SB. Kang, L. Wang, ZS. Bessinger. U.S. Patent Application17/897,147
Graph‑CoVis: GNN‑based Multi‑view Panorama Global Pose Estimation; N. Nejatishahidin, W. Hutchcroft, M. Narayana, I. Boyadzhiev, Y. Li,
N. Khosravan, J. Košecká, S. Kang. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. (OmniCV, CVPR
Workshop 2023 ‑ Best Paper Award)
Automated Usability Assessment Of Buildings Using Visual Data Of Captured In‑Room Images; S. Viktoriya, S. Kang, N. Khosravan, L.E.
Wixson. U.S. Patent Application No. 18/244,298. -
Automated exchange and use of attribute information between building images of multiple types; N. Khosravan, S. Kang, I. Boyadzhiev.
U.S. Patent No. 11,842,464. 12 Dec. 2023. -
Automated building identification using floor plans and acquired building images; N. Khosravan, L. Wang, S. Kang. U.S. Patent No. 11,830,135.
28 Nov. 2023. -
Home valuation using identified exterior and interior features systems and methods; N. Khosravan, S. Kang, I. Boyadzhiev, P. Moulon, Y. Li.
U.S. Patent No. 11,783,385. 10 Oct. 2023. -
Method for detection and diagnosis of lung and pancreatic cancers from imaging scans; U. Bagci, N. Khosravan, S. Hussein. U.S. Patent
No. 11,730,387. 22 Aug. 2023. -
Automated determination of acquisition locations of acquired building images based on determined surrounding room data; Y. Li, W. A
Hutchcroft, N. Khosravan, I. Boyadzhiev. U.S. Patent No. 11,645,781. 9 May 2023. -
Automated Analysis Of Visual Data Of Images To Determine The Images’ Acquisition Locations On Building Floor Plans; Z. Min, N. Khosravan,
M. Narayana, Z. S Bessinger, S. Kang, I. Boyadzhiev. U.S. Patent Application No. 17/897,154.
Cooperative Federated Unsupervised Learning: Towards Optimal Data and Embedding Exchange; S. Wagle, N. Khosravan, S. Hosseinalipour,
C. Brinton, M Chiang. GLOBECOM 2022‑2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference. (IEEE GLOBECOM 2022) -
LASER: LAtent SpacE Rendering for 2D Visual Localization; Z. Min, N. Khosravan, Z. Bessinger, M. Narayana, I. Boyadzhiev, S. Kang. Proceed‑
ings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2022 ‑ Oral) -
Generating Topological Structure of Floorplans from Room Attributes; Y. Yin, W. Hutchcrof, N. Khosravan, I. Boyadzhiev, Y. Fu, S. Kang. Pro‑
ceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval. (ACM ICMR 2022)
Automated analysis of image contents to determine the acquisition location of the image; P. Moulon, N. Khosravan, Y. Li, Y. Li, I. Boyadzhiev.
U.S. Patent No. 11,514,674. 29 Nov. 2022. -
Deformable capsules for object detection; U. Bagci, R. LaLonde, N. Khosravan. U.S. Patent No. 11,514,579. 29 Nov. 2022.
Automated determination of image acquisition locations in building interiors using determined room shapes; Y. Li, W. A Hutchcroft, N. Khosravan,
I. BoyadzhievU. U.S. Patent No. 11,481,925. 25 Oct. 2022
Zillow Indoor Dataset: Annotated Floor Plans With 360 Panoramas and 3D Room Layouts; S. Cruz, W. Hutchcrof, Y. Li, N. Khosravan, I. Boy‑
adzhiev, S. Kang. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2021) -
Deformable capsules for object detection; R. LaLonde, N. Khosravan, U. Bagci.arXiv preprint
A multi‑institute automated segmentation evaluation on a standard dataset: Findings from the international workshop on osteoarthritis
imaging segmentation challenge; A Desai, F Caliva, C Iriondo, N. Khosravan, A Mortazi, S Jambawalikar, D Torigian, J Ellermann, M Akcakaya,
U Bagci, R Tibrewala, I Flament, M O’Brian, S Majumdar, M Perslev, A Pai, C Igel, E Dam, S Gaj, M Yang, K Nakamura, X Li, C Deniz, V Juras, R
Regatte, G Gold, B Hargreaves, V Pedoia, A Chaudhari. (Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Journal 2020)
Techniques for identifying synchronization errors in media titles; R. Puri, N. Khosravan, S. Ardeshir BehrostaghiY. U.S. Patent Application
No. 16/687,209.
PAN: Projective Adversarial Network for Medical Image Segmentation; N. Khosravan, A. Mortazi, M. Wallace, U. Bagci. 22nd International
Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2019) -
Weakly Supervised Segmentation by A Deep Geodesic Prior; A. Mortazi, N. Khosravan, D. A Torigian, S. Kurugol, U. Bagci. 10th International
Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MLMI) at MICCAI (MICCAI Workshop 2019) -
Cross‑modality Knowledge Transfer for Prostate Segmentation from CT Scans; Y. Liu, N. Khosravan, Yu. Liu, J. Stember, J. Shoag, U. Bagci, S.
Jambawalikar. Domain Adaptation and Representation Transfer (DART): Learning Transferable, Interpretable, and Robust Representations
at MICCAI (MICCAI Workshop 2019) -
On Attention Modules for Audio‑Visual Synchronization; N. Khosravan, S. Ardeshir, R. Puri. Sight and sound, IEEE Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR Workshop 2019) -
A Collaborative Computer Aided Diagnosis (C‑CAD) System with Eye‑Tracking, Sparse Attentional Model, and Deep Learning; N. Khosravan,
H. Celik, B. Turkbey, E. Jones, B. Wood, U. Bagci. Medical Image Analysis journal (MedIA 2019) -
Collaborative Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Medical Imaging Applications; N. Khosravan. PhD Dissertation.
Semi‑supervised multi‑task learning for lung cancer screening; N. Khosravan, U. Bagci. 40th IEEE International Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Conference (EMBC 2018 ‑ Oral) -
How deep can hand crafted features be?; N. Khosravan, W. L. Richey, U. Bagci. 40th IEEE International Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Conference (EMBC 2018) -
Deep Learning Beyond Cats and Dogs: Recent Advances in Diagnosis Breast Cancer with Deep Neural Networks; J. R. Burt, N. Torosdagli,
N. Khosravan, H. RaviPrakash, A. Mortazi, C. Rogers, F. Tissavirasingham, S. Hussein, U. Bagci. British Journal of Radiology (BJR 2018). -
Eye Tracking System for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Using Multi‑Parametric MRI; H. Celik, B. Turkbey, P. Choyke, R. Cheng, E. McCreedy, M.
McAuliffe, N. Khosravan, U. Bagci, B. Wood. Conference of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2017) -
Gaze2Segment: A Pilot Study for Integrating Eye‑Tracking Technology into Medical Image Segmentation; N. Khosravan, H. Celik, B. Turk‑
bey, R. Cheng, E. McCreedy, M. McAuliffe, S. Bednarova, E. Jones, X. Chen, P. L. Choyke, B. J. Wood, U. Bagci. Medical Computer Vision, 19th
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer‑Assisted Intervention (MICCAI Workshop 2016)